Sometimes, you can evacuate and you will have to live in the same home. So, you have to face the storm and you need all the necessary items at home. Some people manage to evacuate and go to the government or private shelters. But, some circumstances and pockets are not the same for everyone. Many people get stuck in their homes, they cannot step out and buy food. Also, there is no situation like to leave your home and buy emergency products even. Thus, we all have all the necessary items at home. In case, we cannot evacuate and live in the same house, we should have medicines, a first aid kit, an electricity connection, and food. Electricity does not that you will have to use the main power. You need your own solar system to charge mobile phones. Also, you will need light in your home, the solar system will help you out.
The preparation starts when there is calm and no sign of a natural disaster. However, if you are living in a mountain area or a region where mishaps happen the most, make an emergency room in your house. Moreover, make everything accessible to every member of the family. When there is no sign of storm or flood, then go to the market and buy everything that you could use in an emergency. First, you should have electricity in your home. After the disaster, you will be out of power, gas, and water. Therefore, if you can afford it, then purchase a solar system. This will hold all the power of your home and you can operate more than one appliance at it. However, if it is out of your budget, then buy chargeable batteries and torches that can function with cells. There are many other emergency lights in the market which can work for 48 hours. So, make sure all these items are on charging all the time; thus, you can use them in an emergency. You can reserve these products in your storeroom or emergency room. Also, in your spare room, there should be a small drawer, table, or stool so that kids can easily reach it.
Prepare an emergency first aid kit. Before the hurricane, buy all the medicines your kids and elder members need. Also, if anyone is a patient of a certain disease, then you should have an extra dosage of that. Make sure your kit is having bandages and Sunny Plast. Apart from the medicines box, you should have all the necessary things your kids use. You can store some fun activities for your children. Pack some games and books, so they can pass their time and enjoy these days. If you will introduce an activity during the duration of tension, they can spend these days easily. Also, this will become a happy memory.
Now, you need to store something to drink and eat. Therefore, do not save fresh eatables and perishable goods. Buy canned food items and frozen meals. You can store noodles, cereals, corn flakes, canned fruits, fish, tuna, and ready to make products. Also, you can use a wood fire to prepare food. This will warm your home and you will manage everything when there will be no gas. You can heat up and boil water on it. Apart from food, store some bottles of freshwater. Keep them on the upper shelves or away from kids. Otherwise, they will them before the disaster. However, you will have all the items you need to spend your life before the hurricane.
When the dangerous situation is over, do not trust the electricity wires. They are still threatening. Do not touch switches until everything gets dry and over. Then, clean and wash your entire home, then get back to the previous routine.
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